Ladder Logic
Here I am going to teach you Ladder Logic function so first step is intro to it
what is Ladder Logic ?
Ladder logic is a method of drawing electrical logic schematics. It is now a graphical language very popular for programming (PLCs). It was originally invented to describe logic made from relays. The name is based on the observation that programs in this language resemble ladders, with two vertical "rails" and a series of horizontal "rungs" between them.
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Here I am going to teach you Ladder Logic function so first step is intro to it
what is Ladder Logic ?
Ladder logic is a method of drawing electrical logic schematics. It is now a graphical language very popular for programming (PLCs). It was originally invented to describe logic made from relays. The name is based on the observation that programs in this language resemble ladders, with two vertical "rails" and a series of horizontal "rungs" between them.
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Now you can use different built in function for different instruction like
It will use for that after specific time it will reset
Almost every PLC have this instruction
Now the most impotant thing you will use in Automation is Timer to control some process timely
The basic parameter of Timer are name of Timer and Dealy it will produce
Mainly Two type of Timer are
Now you bulid a small project by using the above commands like
Traffic Control signal with Delay of 50 sec between RED and Yellow Light and after 5 sec Green Light come
PID Block
PID stand for
Adjust there value to get your desired result